How exciting, our first Sew Along Sunday was awesome despite my technical issues (I’m still learning so please bare with me). It’s great to see so many photos posted to the group of your beautiful makes. Keep them coming as I love to see what you make using the tutorials and in particular have a look at your beautiful fabrics – I might have a slight fabric obsession!
I enjoyed it so much that I’ve set the next date for your diaries for our next Sew Along Sunday – Sunday 23rd February at 8pm. Pop it in your diary and click to attend the event in the Facebook group or over on my main Living In Loveliness page. Facebook will automatically remind you of the event – I do love that feature about Facebook, it really does help organise me!
The most popular project in my workshops at the moment is the bowl cosy. I think the cold weather has a lot to do with it. I’m sitting writing this blog and the garden looks so pretty with the flurry of snow we’ve just had – shame it is not sticking – I do love a good snowball fight with the birds (kids).
This tutorial is from my ‘Sewn With Scraps’ series – Issue 3 – ‘Sew Delicious’. During the bowl cosy tutorial, the techniques we are going to concentrate on is achieving those perfect finishes, especially perfect corners, and sewing a reversible project using our pretty sewing machine stitches.
All you need to do now is download the template. Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, simply cut the fabric to the measurements below. Join me in the group ‘Sew Along Sunday’, click ‘attending’ on the event in the group and wait for me to go live. I will see you live on Sunday 23rd February at 8pm.
To take part in the ‘sew along’ you will need:
Two pieces 10.5″ x 10.5” fabric (one for lining, one for outer fabric)
One piece 10” x 10” batting or similar suitable for use in the microwave
- Sewing thread – I’ll be using a contrasting thread to my fabric
- Scissors
- Heat erasable pen
- ‘Pokey’ tool (scissors, knitting needle, crochet hook etc.)
- Iron
- Pins
Click here to download the template and join the group here to be amongst the first to see my tutorial.
Looking forward to sewing with you!
Lots of love
Kerrie xx