Prym snap fasteners are a great alternative to buttons – they are fast, super easy to install and very cost effective. For each snap you will need two covers and a snap fastening tool – one male snap (the one with the sticky out bit) and one female snap (the one with the hollow centre). Below is a simple step by step tutorial for installing snap fasteners. There are plenty of options on the market. My personal recommendation is Prym Pliers and snap fatsterners.
You will need:
Prym Vario pliers – We used the new hot pink Prym Love Pliers
Coloured snaps that co-ordinate with your project
How to insert snaps into your sewing project
Step 1
Using an air/heat erasable pen, mark where the snaps need to be inserted on the outside of the fabric.
Step 2
Using a stitch unpicker, awl or darning needle, push through to make the hole – this makes it easier to insert the snap.
Step 3
Align the first hole with where you want the snap to fasten and push the darning needle through the next piece/set of fabrics.
4 Step
On the top flap of the purse, use one of the snap covers and push the spike through the hole.
Step 5
Open the purse flap and place the male snap on top of the spike – the sticky out part needs to be facing towards you (outwards).
Step 6 – Preparing the pliers
Insert the white cup and clear plastic pieces onto the pliers – these will only go on one way (see the picture). Ensure they are on tight.
Step 7 – Securing the snaps
Position the snap cover in the white cup side of the tool. Squeeze the tool firmly so that the snap is squashed and secured into place.
Step 8 – Securing the female snap
Insert the snap cover through the hole from the inside of the purse. The spike end will be sticking out through the top of the purse.
Step 9
Place the female snap on top on the spike, with the hollow side facing upwards.
Step 10
Position the snap cover in the white cup side of the tool. Squeeze the tool firmly so that the snap is squashed and secured into place.
Your snap fasteners are now ready to use.