What is a ‘Lockdown ladybird’?
Can you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions below:
- Do you enjoy being creative?
- Do you enjoy being part of a like-minded lovely community?
- Do you enjoy learning new skills?
- Do you ever think ‘I’d love to make that’ but don’t know how to or lack in confidence to try?
- Do you have all the skills but want to be part of a sewing community?
- Do you have a fabric stash?
- Do you enjoy sewing?
- Do you like discounts and freebies?
If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above then join me throughout ‘Lockdown 2.0’ when I’ll popping up to show you some very useful hints, tips and techniques along with super projects and full live tutorials.
On our weekly #mememonday event, I will be announcing what we going to make on the following Sunday and then post the cutting guide to the weekly blog. I will then be live each Sunday of ‘Lockdown 2.0’ at 7pm to demonstrate live that week’s tutorial.
Each week, everyone who makes the items demonstrated and posts a photo on the weekly Facebook thread will be entered into a live draw to win a collection of sewing goodies. The winner will be drawn from a hat on the following week’s ‘Lockdown Ladybird Live’.
I’d love to welcome you as a ‘Lockdown Ladybird’ as it will help to keep our hands and minds busy as we share our passion for super cute fabrics and sewing together.
Our first ‘live’ is on Sunday 15th November and 7pm.
Cutting guide
- Exterior fabric – cut two 12” x 14” pieces 500g Christmas inspired scrappy bundles available here
- Interior fabric – cut two 12” x 16” pieces
- Lightweight fusible interfacing – cut two 12” x 16” pieces
- Small scraps of fabric
You will also need:
stitch unpicker
Gold ricrac – optional
A selection of buttons (i’ve used 3) – optional
June Tailor heart templates
To get involved you can watch the tutorial back here
Lots of love